Xola Educare
I met Vivian Mthwesi while working on a project for CTO. Vivian runs a preschool in Khayelitsha. She asked me to help with taking picture of the kids for graduation. She was such an inspiration in her approach to educate and to guide.
Vivian started by opening her home to 7-9 children in 2008 and now she's accommodating40-70 children between the ages of 1-6 years. With the help of her family, Vivian dreams to develop the school through sustainability.
As preschools do not reach the governmental standard of requirements, Non Profit Organisations have to step in to cover this very important phase in a childs life.
In Khayelitsha alone, there are more than 400 preschools for Grade R, and only 50 of them get financial support from the government. Now if you also consider children younger than 6 and put that into the calculation, you realise what a great need there is.
Vivian concentrates on teaching all the kids to be able to communicate in English so the have a head start when going to school. Also she accepts all races and cultures under her roof, making the kids used to living in a rainbow nation in peace and acceptance.
To get involved:
Vivian Mthwesi - 071 814 0120
CTO - sofia@cto.world