Charlton Alexander
I find it very interesting how people are connected, people you work with and people you play with but in a sense your tribe gets validated continuously! And this is not just Cape Town being a big town;) This happened again when I asked a business coach I work with to suggest an NGO that he feels passionate about. He put me into contact with Gerda from Bottomup, only to realise on arrival that we've met before through another good friend! And it made the pleasure of meeting the team and offering my services just so much more rewarding.
Gerda von Benecke
Bottomup positions itself as a catalyst for organisational change in the under-resourced schools in the Grassy Park, Lotus River and Ottery area. Their aim to apply an assets based approach, assisting schools to leverage their existing resources and capitals toward the goal of improving school culture. For Bottomup a just and fair society is one in which every child receives the best education possible, an education that encourages them to ask critical questions about power and society, one that liberates and frees the mind, and one that equips them with the tools needed to build a better world. Projects run by Bottom include, amongst others, a project focusing on learner disengagement (school dropout) in high schools called Step Up, a Chess Program and a Philosophy Club in primary schools.
Lindsay Davids
Their vision is to work with existing schools and applying their approach to leverage existing resources in order to improve and enhance a child’s environment in order to provide a more positive and enlightened future.
Helene Visagie
The pressure to deliver education at grass roots level in South Africa has never been higher especially when you consider the lack of funds within the majority of under-resourced areas within our beloved country. Abiding by standardized curriculum and retaining leaders with valuable skill sets is only half the battle but to create a genuine culture, an environment where children can thrive and truly have a sense of pride and belonging is what really puts the Bottomup approach on top.
Robyn Smith
Chantal Monique Duson
Want to get involved?
Monetary donations welcome (visit website) or donate a book for our mobile library. Visit and use their email address: in the wish list section to view books you can donate. For more information or to sign up to their newsletter please visit their website:
Dean George