Play Sport for Life


I was introduced to the good work of Play Sport for Life by my lawyer, Donovan, who sang their praises. After doing a bit of research I met with Miles, the founder and director. Miles was passionate and humble and took time to explain their mission for their organisation. In a world where so much help is needed, the NGO sector has also become over saturated and everyone needs a piece of the pie to make a difference. Miles have funded most of this organisation with his time, money and enthusiasm and is starting to see the change they are making.


PS4L is an non-profit organisation that makes it their goal to improve the lives of younger children from disadvantaged communities by providing athletic opportunities that creates a healthier life style. Their mission is to help communities with necessary life skills that leads to a positive impact on every life and community involved.


PS4L is focused throughout the communities in the Western Cape. they can be found in mostly Kensington, Maitland, Atlantis and many more. They are committing themselves to expand throughout impoverished areas, not just south Africa but throughout the rest of Africa and other stricken region of the world.

PS4L wants to give the opportunity to everyone especially young adults to get off the street onto the sports ground where they will be provided with valuable life skills and education.

Get involved:


Tel: +27 21 510 1329



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