Langa for Men
Gender-based violence showed it's ugly head again during the lockdown. It seems like a problem with no solution but there are people that are taking matters into their own hands and turning their attention towards men.
Women should not have to be told, "Don't wear provocative clothes" "Don't go out at night".
Their bodies should be respected and protected, and Langa for Men plans to start with the men -
To create a safe space for every gender and also involve everyone in the fight for women and young girls. We are all affected by gender-based violence.
We want to reprogramme the minds of men and invest in a young boy child using different methods; such as Boys to Men, Youth Empowerment sessions, Educational Camps, Hiking’s, Healing sessions, Boys Workshops.
We visited and captured the essence of this forward-thinking initiative.
Find out more here and help them be heard.